What if this is a case of amnesia. Instead of finding heaven, one is trying to find themselves. So… wait but who Am I?

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Are you offering that this person might be in heaven already if they could remember who they were before they died, but bc of amnesia, instead they are on a journey to remember who they were in life?

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I second this!

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(After listening to the voices in my head comment on the situation) "Alright, so you're going to sit here and tell me that I'm dead, and that this 'a**phone' is going to take me to whatever heaven I want, and then tell ME that I've lost MY mind? Well Jethro, maybe I have. Because this whole situation is f****n crazy. Alright? And the voices in my head, they sure seem to think so too. And if I'm being honest Jethro, they're speaking the most sense in this room! So if you want my name, you can call me Ido, cause I don't have any f****n clue..."

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"...wait, so like Jethro Tull?"

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