It’s not that I’m unclear on what Processing is (a comic) or some of the key themes (psychology, mental health, belief systems) that differentiates it from other works. It’s not that I don’t have a feel for the genre (dark comedy). More than anything else, Processing jumps between genres to portray an emotionally evocative story.

Processing is a dark comedy exploring the question, “what if every afterlife exists?” Having believed in nothing in life, Clyde must navigate the department of Processing, a bureaucratic agency established to give non-believers another chance at finding eternal bliss.

This book explores mental health, grief, identity, existential philosophy and societal issues through a story that borders on memoir at times.

Created by Clyde

I landed on the pen name C. Clyde for my creative works. Clyde is my middle name - a name that I have seldom appreciated over the years. I have taken on a new perspective in the last year or so though, as it ties very closely to the relationship I had with my dad. My father, Clyde, and his father share that name. The book itself will be exploring this relationship heavily - as my father had passed away last year.

I look back on him with appreciation and love. The thoughts I once had about the antiquated, southern flavor of the name Clyde have melted away. In its place are a deep appreciation for the man, and the man that he made me. I was Created by Clyde - and these creative works were created by me. I couldn’t think of a better signature, as it is also his signature - the handiwork of generations that celebrates our similarities and our many differences in a form that he likely never would have seen coming.

With that in mind, Created by Clyde is where this project will live - a disparate collection of artworks, writing and ideas orbiting this ambitious comic project of mine - Processing.

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Newsletter of C. Clyde, cartoonist behind series Processing & STEPPERS. Read comics, learn about the process, art and other stories.


Creator of the comic series Processing, among other things.